Visit to Ladakh as part of MoT Minister’s delegation to Ladakh, Sept1-5, 2019

ESOI was invited to be a part of the Tourism Minister’s delegation to meet local administration and tourism stakeholders to discuss and draw plans for development of tourism sector in Ladakh region. ESOI re-iterated that Ladakh today suffers from over tourism, endangering sustainability – so All further tourism development has to be sustainable ( Environmentally, Socio- Culturally & Economically)- this could be attained by spreading tourism to other areas such as Kargil, Dras, etc but in a planned manner. Also that Since the areas in question are Ecologically sensitive areas, Tourism development should be preceded by Carrying capacity Studies – taking all factors into consideration. As a follow up to our various meetings with the Industry in Leh to formulate a roadmap for tourism in Ladakh, ESOI has been in active contact with the ALTOA and its efforts to formulate a Tourism Policy for the region.