Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) has announced a series of 2-day workshops on “Environment Laws & Sustainable Tourism” to sensitize the tourism service providers on the interface of environmental and forest laws with tourism industry, as well as on the mechanisms to achieve Sustainable Tourism in the country.
The workshops are being conducted in partnership with WWF-India, and co-sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, and PATA India Chapter.
Speaking on the occasion, President, Mr. Mandip Singh Soin said “our recently held workshop in Delhi has been quite encouraging with participation from CEOs, senior executives from travel and hotel industry, as well as forest officials. Hotel Management Institutes are showing interest, with 12 participants from IHM Pusa alone. This shows serious interest by all stakeholders to promote sustainable tourism practices.” The workshop was inaugurated by Secretary Tourism Mr Sujit Banerjee.
The workshop schedule is as follows:
February 4 & 5, 2010: Ranjit’s SVAASA, Amritsar PUNJAB
March 19 & 20, 2010: Hotel Casino, Cochin KERALA
The advance registration fee is Rs.3,500/- per person. ESOI has also blocked accommodation at these venues at heavily discounted rates for the convenience of the participants.
Interested participants may contact the Administrator at atleast 10 days prior to the schedule. The details are also available at the Society’s website