Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) will hold its sixth India Series Workshop on “PRACTISING RESPONSIBLE TOURISM”, in Jammu & Kashmir, on April 6 and 7, 2011 at MCA Auditorium, University of Jammu, JAMMU.
The workshop has been organised by ESOI with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, J&K, WWF India, PATA India and INTACH, J&K. The hospitality partner is the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Jammu University.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mandip Singh Soin FRGS, President ESOI and Founding Member, said the workshop aims at setting corrective and curative measures with regard to ecological practices and conservation of nature with a focus on the ecologically sensitive region of Jammu and Kashmir. The challenge for the tourism service providers is, therefore, in keeping an update and sharing operative experiences in implementing environmentally responsible and sustainable tourism practices. These practices will not only create a lighter footprint but will support the local communities and environment.
Mr. Ravi Singh, Secretary General & CEO, WWF India said “Tourism to natural areas is becoming increasingly popular in India, especially in the Himalayan region, posing environmental threats to this fragile ecosystem. In addition, factors like climate change and other human activities are affecting glaciers, high altitude wetlands and biodiversity habitats in the region. Before unsustainable tourism consumes the beauty and natural resources of the Himalayas, the need to join hands to safeguard these is crucial.” There is therefore an urgent need to conserve the high altitude wetlands, by creating platforms for knowledge sharing to allow local communities, organisations, State tourism and forest departments, transport operators and environmentalists to share their experiences and lessons, to build successful tourism management and climate adaptation strategies.
The subsidized participation fee has been kept at Rs.1,500/- per person.
Contact: Mr.Arvind Balan, Administrator ESOI at:; T: 011-26257185; M: 9717456822 or visit their website for further details.
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