The Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) and Travel Operators for Tigers (TOFT) are in a process of jointly developing a certification scheme for sustainable tourism businesses in India, which contributes to India becoming a responsible tourism destination in the long term.
With the PUG rating TOFT already has a certification system for accommodation providers in and around Indian wildlife areas and protected areas in place. PUG rating is an environmental audit which aims to verify and validate best wilderness accommodation practices in terms of economic profitability, respect for the environment and balanced social responsibilities.
Utilizing ESOI’s and TOFT’s multifaceted expertise and long-standing experience in sustainable tourism practices in India the joint certification scheme will go well beyond scope of the PUG rating by not being limited to protected areas and by addressing additional stakeholders, such as resorts, hotels, tour operators, transport providers, etc.
The conformity of the joint certification to the recently launched Sustainable Tourism Criteria for India (STCI) as well as the formulation of a comprehensive but practical and simple set of criteria for different levels of various stakeholders are considered crucial prerequisites for wide recognition, governmental support and broad-based applicability to Indian tourism industry.
Compiled by the environmental consultancy organization Sycom Projects Consultants Ltd (who conducts PUG rating audits for TOFT) the framework for this is being set. Roundtable discussions and core committee meetings are taking place on a regular basis to define framework conditions and further steps as well as to review existing sustainability criteria, revenue sharing models amongst others.
By the end of 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding between ESOI and TOFT shall proposed to be signed. Further steps include the development of an action plan and pre-testing at various sites.