Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) will hold its tenth 2-day workshop with focus on “RESPONSIBLE TOURISM – ISSUES & PRACTICES” in Guwahati, Assam on March 23-24, 2012.
The workshop is being organised by Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) with the encouragement and support of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, in State partnership with Assam Tourism. The local hospitality partners are Hotel & Restaurant Association of Assam and Assam Tour Operators Association. Over 100 delegates from stakeholders of North East are expected to attend.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mandip Singh Soin FRGS, President ESOI said “the workshops aims at setting corrective and curative measures with regard to TOURISM practices with ecological sensitivity and conservation of nature and community development in the North East Region. The challenge for the tourism service providers is in implementing environmentally responsible and sustainable tourism practices. These practices will not only create a lighter footprint but will support the local communities and conserve the environment”.
The workshop proposed in the State of Assam aims at strengthening the participants’ understanding of the critical need to safeguard the fragile ecosystem of the North Eastern Region, the National Parks, apart from theand conserve its rich natural and cultural heritages, so as to raise awareness of sustainable tourism practices and to highlight the importance of local community participation, waste management, and preservation of the vernacular idiom.
While the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is already in the process of giving final shape to the Sustainable Tourism Criteria for India (STCI) to position India as a global ecotourism destination in the near future, through the core committee representing all trade bodies, NGOs and environmentalists, such workshops shall build-up awareness at the ground level as to what this type of tourism entails, thus escalating this transition.
Mr.Anurag Singh, MD, Assam Tourism Devt. Corpn said
The registration details can be obtained from ESOI’s website