Dear Friends & Colleagues
In the elections held recently by the Responsible Tourism Society of India (RTSOI) the following Office Bearers were elected with effect from 1st January 2020:
Rakesh Mathur, Honorary President
Seema Bhatt, Honorary Vice President
Rohit Kohli, Honorary Vice President
Mridula Tangirala, Honorary Secretary
Anirudh Chaoji, Honorary Treasurer
We were earlier known as The Ecotourism Society of India (ESOI) and converted to the Responsible Tourism Society of India (RTSOI) so that we could be the umbrella body for all stakeholders in Tourism. Also, apart from the natural Environment, focus was also needed on sustainability practices among urban and rural service providers, impact on local communities, etc.
This RTSOI is a dynamic team consisting of hoteliers, travel entrepreneurs, tourism specialists and conservation experts. It is actively supported by a highly dedicated, experienced and enlightened Board of Governors and Honorary and Patron members.
Uncontrolled growth in mass global tourism in all segments, the presence of a large segment of tourism service providers in the unorganised sector, and the absence of a code of conduct for Sustainable and responsible tourism practices, had a direct impact on the environment and local communities.
Acknowledging the need to urgently bring about this awareness, the Ecotourism Society of India was established in 2008 by senior industry professionals with support from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
Having conducted 20 workshops in 14 states, done environmental projects with State governments, several publications to its credit, and recognising that Sustainable and Responsible tourism is not just about sensitive natural environments but also urban practices, taking local communities into account, the Ecotourism Society of India is now RENAMED the Responsible Tourism Society of India (RTSOI)
We are also advocating a national campaign on Responsible Travel for the Traveller, with a simple check list on how to be a Responsible Traveller.
RTSOI remains the ‘Sustainability Partner’ of the Ministry of Tourism (MoT), and has actively participated in the setting of standards through formulating the Sustainable Tourism Criteria of India (STCI). for the Indian Tourism industry.
RTSOI works closely with the central and state government bodies, like-minded organizations, tourism companies, hotels, and regional institutions across the country to facilitate and support synergy of policies, initiatives and activities at the national and state level.
Registered as a Non Profit organisation, the RTSOI appeals to conscious Tourism and Hospitality companies Organizations Institutions and individuals, who wish to walk the Sustainability path, to become members and lend support to the cause. (Application Form & Objectives are attached)
Please visit our website (Will be Changing soon to
Kindly circulate the information amongst you members/ Colleagues.
Rakesh Mathur
Co-Founder & Honorary President
The Responsible Tourism Society Of India
E-75, East of Kailash, New Delhi – 110065